Monday, August 23, 2010


School started today, the last two weeks we had recruitment which went excellent. Our new pledge class is somewhere around 60 girls and they are beautiful inside and out. I can't wait to meet more of them and get to know them well enough to pick a little sister. It's weird to think that I was in their position just a year ago. My life has done cartwheels since then, I am such a different person in such a different place in my life then a year ago. Looking back at this year I don't know what I would have fucking done without Chi Omega, she has literally become a part of me. I am Chi Omega and my sisters are me, as much as I have and continue to get pissed off at them they are always there for me when I need them and when I don't even know it. Joining a sorority was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn't be more excited to see what these next couple years bring to me.

This wednesday is the first Panhellenic meeting of the year and I couldn't be more excited! I love Pan and the meetings, they are the highlight of my week. I don't even have class on wednesday but I will be there for Pan. On wednesday I also have a phone interview for Apple, I really hope I get the job. I also have another interview/job fair for another Apple location next monday. I love Apple and would love to work there for a considerable amount of time considering my major and intended career path. Even if everything doesn't work out I'm thankful for the opportunity and so excited for the rest of my fall 2010 semester!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Friendly Neighborhood Reminder

Sometimes we just fly through life on autopilot. We do the same things day in and day out, we get into these horrible patterns and set our lives into schedules. These schedules that we can't break from that consumer our time and our creativity. It smothers our creativity leaving it deprived and withered, but if we just stop to smell the roses we can revive that creativity. We can bring a new and clean breath of fresh air and life into our worlds and break from these patterns. Sometimes I believe that I get stuck in these patterns, but when I am at my most care free that's when I truly experience life and I allow myself to be the most prosperous as I can be. So don't allow yourself to get stuck in patterns and schedules and if you do don't forget to stop and smell the roses.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010




Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

1930s Corona Streamline

She might not be as sparkly and clean but she's MINE MINE MINE <333

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Moleskine #2

I've already started doodling and I'm excited to see what comes out of this <333

Tunnel Vision

My goal for the next year is to get nothing but A's and A+'s for the entire year I plan on taking easy classes for the first semester and then stepping it up in the spring. I have these feelings that UCF is in someway holding me back and in the fall next year, if my grades have improved, I am considering transferring schools. I love UCF but I deserve better and I've never been able to fully show my academic abilities and this has held me back in life. Not getting into Penn was the worst day of my life and I need to at least try once more to prove to myself that I can do better, I keep sabotaging myself and this has to stop I have so much potential to do great things with my life and I need to start now.